planet in peril transcript

(END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper, Rancho Bernardo, California. She never could have guessed where she'd find them. Hurling yourself backwards over a 1,500 foot cliff does take some practice. COOPER: And me, I'm Regal Bird. It's springtime here, though nothing is green. COOPER (voice-over): In case you're wondering, there is a bathroom. Something today -- you know, we find out today that something is not as safe as we thought it was or, well, something is safer than we thought it was. But scientists say our burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has caused a greater concentration of heat trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. We continue our journey, a bumpy ride for another few hours. . We'll be following it for you, Anderson. COOPER: That's true. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER: Six-year-old Valentin Marroquin went from healthy one moment to a leukemia patient battling for his life the next. Libby; Sora; Kanopy; Help; Markets Served. CORWIN: His data indicates an animal that's changing along with the habitat around it. So we decided we would go out and put our tents outside. Transcript of Biden's Speech on Climate Change and Hurricane Ida "The nation and the world are in peril," President Biden said after touring storm damage in New York and Jersey. We traveled the world and the issues are real. (voice-over): You're looking at one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world, the Amazon rain forest. First an update on the California fires. You also see dramatic changes in the overall geography of the island, particularly on the coastal areas. They have a tentative price tag. Jeff Corwin's gone to track North America's largest carnivore, the polar bear -- to find out what some scientists believe the polar bear's very existence is under threat. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yeah, I think so. You can see some of the trees here. There's at least a billion dollars in damage here in San Diego County alone. Genre: Documentary. COOPER (voice-over): He records the changing ice sheet through a network of monitoring and GPS stations. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, OK. We're flying right over it now. It's called Deer Horn Valley. This island is a dangerous place. April 14, 20235:33 AM ET. COOPER: Huge. Another update about the fire in 15 minutes. CORWIN (voice-over): Amstrup loads the tranquilizer dart into the gun as we circle low over the mother bear to make sure we don't scare her away from her cubs. But since 1993, an even higher sea level trend of 3.1 millimeters a year has been recorded. They're agents with IBAMA, the Brazilian government's environmental protection agency. And the water can reach the bottom of the ice. COOPER (voice-over): When you discover an island here, pending approval, you get to name it. If word leaks out in this area that IBAMA is here, that they are going to be on patrol and launching a series of raids, then the illegal loggers will simply disappear into the -- the rain forest. Our world is in peril. And, as we heard from the fisherman himself, he said, water will come. They are still burning and still dangerous, but they are moving more slowly. We're right on them. northpointe community church fresno archives. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (on camera): There's a pattern here. COOPER: Struggles for land, fights over resources, people drink from polluted rivers in China and die in broken villages invisible from the gleaming towers of Beijing. Oasis Earth: A Planet in Peril stands out as a vastly comprehensive story of humanity's Anthropocene journey, from the origin of our planet and species to their potential future. The summer rains no longer able to replenish the lake so many people have come to depend upon. Nothing occurs in a vacuum in the natural world. Power company officials are pleading for conservation. HANSEN: That's another big misconception. Every day they go out on patrol armed with bows and arrows, just making sure no one is cutting down trees. We gear up to rappel ourselves down inside. The swarms have brought with them malaria. INHOFE: I don't want to be rude, but, from now on, I'm going to ask COOPER: James Inhofe, Republican senator from Oklahoma, is the loudest voice with probably the biggest platform who questions whether man is responsible for climate change. Global sea levels rose about 1.8 millimeters a year in the 20th century. There are no winches out here to free our trucks, just the bodies of our entire crew. Sister Dorothy came to Anapu from her native Ohio in 1983. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 11 8 deg Fahrenheit Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by xoxoc Terms in this set (11) Greenland's temperature has risen by how many degrees? Jungles and rainforests are home to an incredible variety of species . (on camera): Wherever you go in Brazil, in the Amazon, you will find that, fire. And they are quickly depleting what water is left. It is not right. Usually these channels are up to 20, 30, 40 feet deep. It's the first study showing the association between the ship channel's air quality and childhood leukemia. COOPER: She started a sustainable development program, teaching locals how to live off the forest and at the same time preserve it. But part of the Krahos' land has already been illegally clear- cut, and there's little to no law enforcement to stop it. (on camera): These officers from the federal police are teaming up with IBAMA agents, and they are about to go out on patrol. Nothing happens in a vacuum. This mission in a remote corner of Brazil has been in the works for over a year. Another update in 15 minutes. I'm honored by that. Eight degrees. It was once the sixth largest lake in the world, covering more than 10,000 square miles. Computer models had one million square miles of it melting by the year 2050. B3L7. COOPER: Tamara Carter (ph) is the founder of the Sustainable South Bronx, an organization that fights environmental racism in New York and around the country. Now, there was some evidence of live coral, but it was interesting that some of that appeared to be dying in the process as well. That's the term they're using. DENNIS SCHMIDT: Yes. 1978 Topps Battlestar Galactica #11 A world in flames! OK. CORWIN: With the bears safely sedated, Amstrup gets to work. fairbanks ice dogs standings . But his story doesn't add up. It's one of the fundamental laws of physics, of nature. A once-in-a-century virus silently stalks the country. 3 terms. If the melt continues, Amstrup now thinks two-third of the world's polar bears will be gone in 50 years. Instead, tragically, 2,000 people live here, and they are literally being washed away. Amazingly, there's no shortage of food or diapers or even toilet paper. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, they are getting sick just because of food shortage. STEFFEN: Yes. And that is Lake Chad. That's just how big that fire suddenly got out there. What is the impact on the people that live here? (on camera): They have just found a truck with some people. The forecast for tonight, no real gusts over about 20 miles per hour. Crews have largely contained many of the fires north of San Diego. A worldwide investigation by Anderson Cooper and chief medical . Planet in peril chemicals and Greenland. (on camera): What are these rotating things? CORWIN (voice-over): Searching for polar bears in Northeastern Alaska isn't like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's like looking for a haystack-colored needle in a haystack. Name: Date: Movie: Planet in Peril - Part I and II: Use each segment as case studies. It looks good. River Oaks is the area where all the millionaires live. It's here that animals have to contend with the greatest change that is happening to the face of our planet. And the IBAMA agents know that. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Up to this wall -- GUPTA: Our guide is Anadatiega (ph). You always think of something like that. WHITE: We will have both a political and a legal battle with the industry until we get widespread agreement for them to do stuff. OK, now let's get the bears back together. Most often, it's: "Well, look, it's cheaper to have plants in this neighborhood than it is anywhere else in this very expensive city." He was born here, as were his parents and grandparents. Some of the nearly one million evacuees are getting a look at what's left of their homes this evening. Some say it's just sinking naturally because it was built on a volcano. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. The Marroquins say they can't leave here because they can't afford it. Deaths attributable to PM 2.5 air pollution is estimated to have risen from 3.5 million in 1990 to 4.2 million in 2015a 20% increase. He got right up to one of the fire lines today. You have got to let me COOPER: This year, 2,000 scientists on the U.N.-sponsored Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded, with 90 percent certainty, that man is responsible for global warming. In San Diego County alone, the damage already tops an estimated $1 billion. So, they quickly pile into their trucks. East Hill, N.Y. July 8, 2017 -- In East Hills, our 'hometown', there is a law entitled "Tree Preservation and Protection", an Architectural Review Board, zoning rules, and even a 'consulting arborist' to re-evaluate trees proposed to be destroyed by new residents and developers, but deforestation is as bad as the Amazon. COOPER: Not much. SEN. JAMES INHOFE (R), OKLAHOMA: And, with all the hysteria, all the fear, all the phony science, could it be that manmade global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? In all, there are 15 active fires tonight. COOPER: A wild west culture where kids like Valentin Marroquin pay the price. He just has one request. We wanted to talk to Senator Inhofe about those contributions and his position on climate change. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Boy. She says life here used to be good. planet in peril transcript INTRO OFFER!!! GUPTA: From what we have seen in Greenland, Alaska and Africa, the Earth's climate is clearly changing. (on camera) On February 12, 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang was walking down a path in the Amazon jungle. This is classic slash and burn. STEFFEN: Yes, this is a moulin. COOPER (voice-over): And that adds up. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: Electricity is just one of the wild cards here tonight. GUPTA: It looks like this upsets you? That's roughly six times the size of the state of California. That's just how we smell. SCHMIDT: Yes. The problem is, though, just like in Greenland, that ice is melting. That's the last remnant of this thing, they hope, at least in terms of this side of the fire. So, everybody here keep hope. Crime and unemployment are high. That water absorbs the sun's heat and causes more ice to melt. COOPER: Houston Mayor Bill White has pledged to reduce the level of air toxins for those communities, even if it means playing hardball. We'll show you the eastern edge of that fire. The ice is melting fast and this island is warming. COOPER: Valentin still loves his neighborhood and playing outside. Some statistics say that perhaps as much as 80 percent, to as little as 60 percent, is logged illegally. There's actually no law, no ambient air standards, either state or federal, requiring companies to limit the amount of hazardous air pollutants they pump out. Global warming might be causing a slight rise in sea levels, but its largest effect here is damage to the coral reefs that protects these islands. The Amazon is a vital resource for the world, as well. (voice-over) Steve Amstrup, a wildlife biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, has been doing this for 26 years, trying to learn all he can about what polar bears can tell us about global warming. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin, and I, travel to some 13 countries on four. COOPER (on camera): So how far have we come? Even if they had enough food in terms of quantity, the quality is decreasing. How is that possible? Or "Mom, when I'm this age." Thousands of evacuees have gathered in San Diego's Qualcomm football stadium. (voice-over): Biologist Jeff Corwin and I have come here to learn why and see what impact Greenland's melting ice sheets could have on all of us in the decades ahead. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected. COOPER: Climate change isn't just having an impact here in the interior of Greenland. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will have to stay. I think you might be seeing those right now. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 370. Combined that with the fact that Carterets sit on top an ancient volcano, that over time collapses inward and they could be sinking naturally as well. by Rebecca Libauskas. COOPER: The men take us to their camp site, where they've already clear-cut the forest. We've arranged to visit one small tribe, the Kraho Indians in the Tacantin state of Brazil. COOPER (voice-over): Four-and-a-half degrees Celsius is eight degrees Fahrenheit. R Biden's inaugural address after he was sworn in as the 46 th President of the United States of America on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. First episode date: 23 October 2007 (USA) Network: CNN. They're probably selling the meat, as well. COOPER: Oh, nice. siriusxm top 40 countdown list; what happened to adam schiff's wife; June 8, 2022 planet in peril transcript The Bush administration is proposing adding the polar bear to the endangered species list. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ultimately, they are all dependent on the sea ice. STEFFEN: It actually is a conduit through the ice -- the ice sheet. (END VIDEO CLIP) COOPER: And that is the latest here in Southern California -- another update in about 15 minutes. These four men have been taken into custody. When she turns to go, they shoot her at point-blank range, leaving her in the mud to die. (voice-over): The vast ice sheet of Greenland -- 1,500 miles long and more than a mile deep, the world's largest island. GUPTA: But it's sinking. Global warming, arctic ice melt and rising oceans will shrink nations and change world maps. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. l agree completely. They hope to be able to get that thing out, at least, during the next couple of days, but they've got a ton of crews up there. Five hundred homes lost here in Lake Arrowhead. COOPER: Right. It's clear the weather patterns here have changed. CORWIN: Just in the Amazon basin alone, it's 2.7-million square miles of habitat, and roughly 70 percent of that is right here in this extraordinary country, in the country of Brazil. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. We actually stand in our refrigerator. Scientists are generating data all the time. We're going to go home now. Last year, satellite data collected by NASA scientists revealed Greenland is losing 100 billion tons of ice each year. There are ripple effects and that is putting our planet in peril. Benzene and butadiene are also known to cause other serious health effects like respiratory diseases and birth defects. But that's not what is happening today. And it's an illustration on the difficulty of deciphering the debate. Yes! And here, as you can see, we don't have healthy fish. Just let yourself slide down, Anderson. This was their garden. The icy expanse of Greenland, land and sky seem frozen forever. The pressure on dwindling resources becomes clear. We actually saw entire sheets of coral that seemed to be completely dead and washed out. PLANET IN PERIL - 2007 CNN takes viewers around the world in a four-hour documentary that examines our changing planet. Of course, we don't want mom and the cubs to separate. In recent years, we had a gap of sometimes as much as 200 miles north of the Alaska coast. It outlines the solutions that have been tried, and analyzes why . If we looked at Earth from outer space, it would appear that our . Some are harvested by small farmers eking out a meager living. It's happening right here in America. STEFFEN: But it's filled with fish and some steaks. It's that imbalance which concerns scientists the most. Finding the roads made by the loggers is easy. I'm Anderson Cooper. But the other reason, says environmental law professor Tom McGarity (ph), is because of race. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The purpose of the proposal that the Fish and Wildlife Service has is not to lift bears because of their present status, because of their present population, but because of their anticipated future status if the sea ice continues to change the way climate models project that it is likely to change. This species of fish can grow up to 60 kilograms, and, today, you see, they just a few grams. Did the water just knock them down? COOPER: Really? Boosters Step into your powered armor and grab your GUPTA: Rose has lived on the island with her family for 12 years. And I pointed to the area of open water at the edge of the face of the glacier and I said that's the world's newest island. GUPTA: The people of the Carterets call themselves some of the world's first climb change refugees. You have to see it to believe it. And that's all we have for the future. shows global trends, connected through ecosphere. When we talked to the companies in the ship channel, they pointed out that they've started voluntarily limiting their emissions, and they haven't broken any laws. $1.50 + $1.10 shipping. Statewide, nearly one million people have had to flee. But, today, he's brought the vast majority of the scientific community to his side. COOPER: Where water is poisoned. We've met literally hundreds of people along the way, some of whom you've been introduced to over the past two nights. COOPER: Crime? There are roughly 37 million people who rely on Lake Chad. What's happening here is a sobering glimpse into what scientist says the future will look like even if modest sea level rise predictions prove true. Pat Michaels was Virginia's state climatologist for more than a decade and a professor at the University of Virginia. No kidding, you look great. The five islands that make up the Carterets are just five feet above sea level at their highest point. And it takes land to grow soy, land without trees. I am feeding (ph). CORWIN: Very much so. She was a powerhouse of decision. COOPER: This is a planet under assault. JAMES HANSEN, DIRECTOR, NASA GODDARD INSTITUTE FOR SPACE STUDIES: You know, nothing could be further from the truth. Here, oil refineries and petrochemical companies pump hazardous pollutants into the air. This is our work center, as we call it, the computing room. DR. KONRAD STEFFEN, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO: We have never seen a temperature rise in Greenland that drastic over a short period. We're told by the chief it's the first time a helicopter has ever landed in the village. COOPER: But Carter (ph) points out the people whose health is in danger, whose quality of life is degraded, more often than not remain silent. S01:E01 - A Planet In Peril. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you doing, Konnie? COOPER (voice-over): Adaptations, he says, like stronger buildings, better warning systems. Earlier this year the University of Texas released a study showing kids living within two miles of the ship channel had a 56 percent greater chance of getting leukemia. That's slash and burn. It's not ready. We will have a sea level increase. It's not a theory. I would always hear him say, "When I grow up, I want to do this." His position has led to some intense political theater. I believe it is. CORWIN: So now you feed the rope and it will just slide down like this. They were awarded a Nobel Prize for their work. SCHMIDT: No one has ever been here before. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. We'll wake up any minute in Dark Harbor and laugh about this. Agents get word over the radio there might be an encampment of illegal loggers nearby. I'm Anderson Cooper. Sister Dorothy's death became a symbol, not only for the rain forest, but also for the protection of the people who call it home. The Associated Press reports California has maxed out its firefighting resources and is asking the federal government for help. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It does, it does. VALENTIN MARROQUIN, CANCER PATIENT: Cook (ph). (on camera): The scientists who are warning of huge changes within our lifetime, are those just scare tactics? COOPER: All right. says FEMA -- the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- will send 950 firefighters from the U.S. Forest Service into California over the next few days. STEFFEN: We have fresh bread every day. In 2006, 5,500 square miles of Amazon forest was cut down, roughly the size of the state of Connecticut. THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. That's in about ten minutes from now. As Lake Chad disappears, many have nowhere else to go. Yet due to its dry climate, scientists say it's the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. COOPER: Rick, thanks very much. Amanda Aronczyk. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, really. Pat Michaels is one of them. Encore: Planet In Peril: Battle Lines Aired December 14, 2008 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The book is an unusual integration of local to planetary issues, and their social, justice and . The disenfranchised usually bear the bankrupt of environmental degradation. (on camera): It's so disturbing to see this. Witness the planet's breathtaking diversity -- from seabirds carpet-bombing the ocean to wildebeests eluding the wild dogs of the Serengeti. A new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a body of experts convened by the United Nations, said that Earth is likely to cross a critical threshold for global warming within. (on camera): In 2005, you came here. Trump Sent Chilling Warning from 'Merchant of Death' Freed by Biden: 'Your Life Is in Peril' By Lorri Wickenhauser April 13, 2023 at 5:56pm Former President Donald Trump received a bleak warning last week from an unexpected quarter: Viktor Bout, the Russian arms dealer nicknamed the "Merchant of Death." I'm Anderson Cooper. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) STANG: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (voice-over): Early February 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun from Ohio, leaves a meeting of peasant farmers, whose land she's helping to protect, and walks into the jungle towards her home. It is even very hard. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They have been, definitely. It reached that level this year. In 2005, the Associated Press found African-Americans are 79 percent more likely than whites to live in neighborhoods where industrial pollution is suspected of posing the greatest health danger. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't care if anybody in this neighborhood, like, never understands what global warming is. SCHMIDT: No, we're the first to ever walk here. (voice-over): Even the Chari River, the source for this once great lake, is evaporating. CORWIN: These guys have all the classic tools of the trade when it comes to poaching wildlife. Police used a reverse 911 calling system to order hundreds of thousands to leave their homes. (on camera): And what is the big picture? And the people are stronger than ever, and we do not intend to leave here. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): The Earth is warming. The lake has dried up before. Written by an award-winning historian of science and technology, Planet in Peril describes the top four mega-dangers facing humankind - climate change, nukes, pandemics, and artificial intelligence. It's not based on the fast flow that generates additional icebergs. Or "I'm going to be chief of police" since he was little. Environmentalism: the pet project of the rich, the cause for celebs. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're right on them. You've seen the front lines, the facts on the ground. on Tuesday, Oct. 23, and Wednesday, Oct. 24, from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. (ET/PT) and globally on. He's taking us to see and actually climb into a part of the landscape that's giving scientists important clues about why the ice is melting so fast. COOPER: But her friend and colleague, Jane Dwire (ph), says those tactics earned Sister Dorothy some powerful and dangerous enemies. We actually just dove down. We're looking for COOPER (voice-over): Schmidt is a modern-day explorer. COOPER: So, because of the research you've been doing here, what is it that alarms you in terms of climate change? James Foley's. It's taken as many lives in one year as. Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. But while we were on the way up the mountain, that warning changed, and it turned into an evacuation order. If they encroached on a peasant's land, Stang would report them to the government. We want to study this. CORWIN: Absolutely. Sand all around me. They spend one month every year here, living under extremely difficult circumstances. A quick search turns up a small arsenal. So if we know all of this, why is it happening? Why? CORWIN (voice-over) However, finding the tracks is only the beginning. Those numbers expected to climb. There are ripple effects and that is putting our planet in peril. This is a planet in peril. The Spirit of Earth, Gaia, is woken from a century-long sleep at Hope Island to discover that Earth is dying because of humans' carelessness in deforestation, pollution, over-hunting, and . PLANET IN PERIL continues in a moment. There are no easy solutions. There are very few people watching over you. Global eorts and . And the diet of people is becoming less balanced. We have measurements of the atmospheric composition, very precise, from the bubbles of air trapped in the ice sheets as a function of time over the last 700,000 years. Planet in Peril Aired December 20, 2009 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. And she would, you know, work to make it happen, her way. It is possible. These are the Carteret Islands of Papa New Guinea, one of the most populated places on earth. Natural changes in the earth's orbit and the tilt of the sun 10,000 years ago caused the climate to shift, bringing out a long drought. Excellent. My colleague, Rick Sanchez, is covering one of the two big fires now happening in this area. So, really, that's all that is remaining of it now. CORWIN: His eyes are keenly trained to find what seems impossible. RICK SANCHEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, the Harris fire. But killing Sister Dorothy did not have the result some ranchers may have hoped for. It's only about eight years. We're the first people ever to walk here. CORWIN: It would be the first time an animal has been protected because of global warming. And this is what it looks like here on the ground. (END VIDEOTAPE) TO ORDER A VIDEO OF THIS TRANSCRIPT, PLEASE CALL 800-CNN-NEWS OR USE OUR SECURE ONLINE ORDER FORM LOCATED AT Coral bleaching, scientists say, is a result of global warming, and it's happening in oceans around the world. These are the men bent on stopping that. MICHAELS: stunning. You can see the scars made by man. The Earth's climate has changed much during the planet's history. What's the situation there -- Ted? But is climate change really responsible for what's washing away their world? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON COOPER, HOST (voice-over): For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. CORWIN: These gentlemen have been very, very busy. (on camera): You've been coming here since 1990? And when we look at these computer models, one of the things we see is that they tend to predict more warming than is occurring. 1 In "Planet in Peril," CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, CNN's chief medical correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and Animal Planet host and wildlife biologist Jeff Corwin take viewers around the globe for a two-part documentary on the threats to the world's environment. (on camera): It is politically correct to say you care about the rain forest, but why should someone actually care? COOPER: Where endangered animals are bought and sold and killed. : Movie: planet in Peril - 2007 CNN takes viewers around world! 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