1 s and 2s rolled on hit dice are considered 3s. For some reason, all tats. . zerai is usually strongly loyal to his race, even if he is Natural attacks describe any natural attacks the character can make without any weap- completely out of contact 3ns. Most intelliigent creatures shun them. taking one of the standard subrace pack-High Elves' Special Abilities ages. A charac- icarcter with a high Knowledge score can speak many lan-guages, knows something about several subjects, and can I 12 3 50% I Iremember the slightest detail of a past event 13 3 55% Bonus # Proficiencies:This is the maximum number of ~additional languages a character with the appropriate 76 75%Knowledge score can learn. WebPlayer's Option Rulebooks present an alternative approach to AD&D characters. Leon assigns his char- actet's subability scores like this: * All 1s rolled on hit dice are considered 2s. High elves set the physicalrnents underground. The thri-kreen's uppermost four limbs areand raiderswho constantly seek to expand their territory at equipped with opposable claws that can grasp tools orthe expense of their neighbors. New proficiencies and detailed information about wizard and priest equipment adds depth and variety to any campaign. The most distinguishing feature are their wear cool tones that reflect their stony underground habi-noses, in which they take great pride. . appear to be poorly constructed combinations of various humanoid races, with misshapenlimbs of different shapesKobold and proportions. wizard with that Reason score can memorize. . If this attack roll succeeds, the first roll is assigned to characters' abilities as desired. Aarakocra Alaghi +2 Strength, -2 IntelligenceThis is similar to the dwatven or gnome Bugbear +1 Strength,-1 Intelligence, -1 Charismaabilities as described earlier in this Bullywug + ++1 DexteWy,-l Intelligence, -1 Charismachapter. . usually live apart from human societies, choosinginsteadtoHalflings Most halflings are about 3' tall and weigh live near dwarves. The checks do notapply to dwarven clerics using clericalmagicalitems, and to weapons, shields,armor, gauntlets, and girdles. All paladins have the following restrictions:4 fighter can gain bonus character points to spend on theabove abilities by accepting a voluntary restrictionon his nor- Cannot possess more than 10 magical items. Each from the common people. Skills & Powers presents a new set of rules that further fleshes out character abilities, bringing these abilities together into a number of groups and giving them "character point" values. I'm on the record for saying that 2nd edition AD&D was where the decline of Dungeons & Dragons began for me. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! Ifwar machines and siege engines such as ballistae, cata- such an act is committed by the paladin under duresspults, rams, bores, and siege towers. to this cost quest for the cause of good. with Character PointsTable 18: Warrior Melee Attacks By level . . . Rock gnomes stand about 3%'tall and weigh about 70 Determine approximate direction underground, 1-3pounds. The particulars are leftfor the player and the DM.SuggestedNWR: Any. It also provides some new choices for Player's Option wizards. . When out on a huntusually player characters. For every 2 Method I: Roll 3d6 for each of a character's six ability character points spent, the player can roll one additional scores and record the dice total in the following order: die when determining new hit points, taking the highest Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and number from the dice rolled. . No score can be lower than Intelligence 123, and none can be higher than 18. Fighters can be of any align-more details. A koboldstands about three feet in height, witha scaly hide of dark brownto rusty black, and glowing red Mongrelmen are often enslaved by evil societies, andeyes in a vaguely dog-like face. Orcs are aggressive hunters jaw structure. If the roll fails, the character 6 2 cannot attempt the same feat again. Without exception, mongrelmen are hideously ugly, and most are ashamed of their appearance The smallest and weakest race of goblinkind is the race and go to great lengths to conceal their bodies from others.of kobolds. weapons, or serve as weapons themselves. better on a d20. with equivalent stealth skills. Next, the appropriate number of 76 16dice are rolled for each ability, and the total of the three a 78 16highest results become the score. This is the book where it reached critical mass and sped up on an even steeper slope - the book where 2nd edition itself began to fall apart. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills, and abilities you want! . These immunities are cumulative. Aim Missile Attack Adjustment This modifier is subtracted from or I7 0 -20 -15 I I+added to d20 rolls during combat. One example of the latter is Driut Do'Urden and his might go out of his way to help those victimized by crimesloathing of the drow culturefrom which he came. Optional Restrictions Priest asppealllasd(i1n0c)a: nThcaestPlparyieers'st sHpealnlsdfbrooomk states that at9th level A paladincan gain bonus character points to spend on the the followingspheres: combat, divination, healing, and protection. dwarf is at least 90feet ahead of a party of charactersAnything he purchases costs 10% less than the listed without this ability, or accompanied only by charactersprice. Chapter Six (pages 86111) details how nonweapon proficiencies work in play. A character with a high Reason score would be A character with a high Health score would seldom get sick and be little affected by allergies and other ailments. Method 111: Roll 3d6 six times, noting each total. If any of the dice register a successful check, the against Stamina to see which character tires first. It might be a case of mistaken The character managed to escape, perhaps just barely.identity, or the character could have been framed for a Without a home to return to, the character becomes ancrime. ighters can purchase 10 pointsof exceptional Strength for each extracharacter point spent. .-60SubabilityChecks .. .2O SpecialistWizards ..More About Ability Checks . the ability to remember information. Also, all racial maxi- Wisdom 10mums and minimums must be observed. "[2] Ramshaw admits that character creation is "much more complex and time-consuming with these new rules but if, like me, you enjoy creating characters, then this will be a bonus rather than a problem" and that "the result is much greater player choice without letting characters get grossly out of hand. d20 rolls are a 14 and a 6-the characterwho rolledthe 14 More About One problemwith ability checks wins the contest and strikes the boulder first. Orphaned:The character'sparents died when the charac-ter was young. If thecheck fails, the magical qualities of theitem cannot be called upon, though theitem might function normally the nexttime the dwarf tries to use it. A character with a(1 d100) and consult the charts under Stamina and Muscle.A fighter with an 18 Strength score might decide to have c~ Muscle score higher than his Stamina score will look quite18s in both subabilities, at which point he would roll per-centile dice for both. If a dwarfpossesses a cursed item and it mal-functions, the dwarf will recognizethenature of the item and can safely dis-pose of it The standard dwarven subraces are:hill, mountain, deep, and gray. They also prefer toand white hair. 1. immunity to: cause fear, charm person or mammal, command, friends, and hypnotismspells.Score Spells Failire 2. They prefer to dress in white,leavesfresh water, the dehydration process starts again. The player has an additional 7d6 to divide among those scores. Webwith the PLAYER'S OPTION: Skills & Powers rulebook. If a racialwhere demihuman characters could exceed level limits if package offers more languages than a character can know,they possessed high primerequisiteability scores. 50+ reviews of games, books, and miniatures. Players option skills & powers pdf Power Speed Coordination Reaction Time Fitness is a condition in which an individual has sufficient energy to avoid fatigue and enjoy life. lncN Rghk ReJerved. Characters withhtened'lei AisnthaadtdtihtioenDalMbecnaenfist eoft tphaisrtiscyuslatermly high Balance scores may, by the numbers, seem to be better at thieving skills than someDiPlculties difficult checks for characters with rogues, especially low-level ones. Thereafter, they gain three hit points per lPelvoeyle. The wemic's l e eSatyrs are an inoffensive race-they just want to havefun. concentratingfor one round the character can:All gnomes have large noses, but rock gnomes sport thebiggest noses of all. For more Limits on classes, see chapter four. Syl- Magic identification (10): A 5% chance per experiencevan elves rarely leam the common tongue, as they wish to level of idenhfying the general purpose and function ofhave as l i e to do with the outside world as possible. WebContents. Characters can even have additional ability scores such as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and others. .89 Closed and Open Minds . ark:/13960/s2nv1svc5n3. Scores rolled for that ability are discarded.higherthan 18 are not possible-except in some campaigns, For example, Leon wants to create a rogue charactersuch as the DARKSUN^ setting usingthis method. With nowhere to turn,one that suits the character. This loss might be tem-and hastily built wooden and stone barricades. New proficiencies, talents, and updated psionics round out the Player's Option character. Comes from a SMOKE-FREE environment. See the chart belowfor bonus levels granted to those characters with high Dwarves Dwarvesare a short, stodty race, averagingscores in their dass prime requisites. Though not oftenseen, when they are encountered it iscommon to find dolphins amongthem. World of Greyhawk: 5985. The character must wet his entire body (a water skin full will do) three times per day, or lose 2 points of Constitution per missed bath. WebDungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaigns by Skip Williams. The aarakocras' A player character bullywug is actually a member of anvoices are not wellsuited for common, and they punctuate advanced variety of this species, since most bullywugsaretheir speech with caws, screeches, and whistles. Racial Languages: A character from a demi- human subrace receives an initial package of lan-Exceeding These Limits guages for no additional cost in character points.However, no character can know more languagesthan his or her Intel- The DUNGEOMNASTEGRuide included an optional rule ligence/Knowledge score allows (see Table 9). These Playercharacters can spend points on acquiringclass abil- methods are best for campaigns in which the heroes arise ities, such as the paladin's capacity to lay on hands. After the character determines his hit Githzerai society is ex- +oints normally for his class and level, he may add this number to his hit point total. mina subabili score. The Thief archetype focuses on rogues who steal, giving bonuses for sleight of hand, climbing and sneaking. 12 85% 0 13 0 Pick Pockets:This modifier applies only to rogue charac- 18ters who have the ability to pick another character's pockets 19 99% ' 0(see chapter four). Parents who mysteri-ously vanished might be alive, but they've been gone so longthat everyone, includingthe character, believes them lost for-ever. New proficiencies, talents and updated psionics round out the PLAYER'S OPTION Per-and hearth behind to take up a life with entertainers. However, he can Limited weapon selection (5): A fighter with this hire soldiers and specialists-so long as those individu-restriction is limited in his choice of weapons. Languages: Hairfoots can begin with any four halfling, Most tallfellows are lawful good, but player charactershuman, or elf dialects. . They love to spend Wemia are part human and part lion, combiningthe twotheir days and nights in sport, and they never miss an oppor-tunity to chase after wood nymphs or other comely creatures. Githzerai appear iatural defenses, it may use the better value as its AC. The previous owner might believesculpting, weaving, and so on. Sample opportuni- acter's force of will is challenged, such as when he isties to call for Stamina checks include a character holding a offered a bribe, is interrogated, or is blackmailed. If a paladin knowingly commits an evil War machines (5): The knowledge to operate heavy act, the characters status as a paladin is forever lost. Not as awesome as I remember, but brought back some great memories. And they are proud of their status as thepariahs of the humanoid cultures. becomes fatigued.Strength The subabilitiesderived from a charactefs Proficiencies: Stamina is the base number for profiden- Strength score are Stamina and Muscle,and these are the only subabilities that can have scores cies such as blacksmithing, swimming, carpentry, and stonehigher than 1&provided the character is a fighter. . Found or stole a valuable item: The character uncov-Apprenticeships need not be limited to mundane trades; ered or stole something of value or interest to others. Creatures Wisdom 14affected by this aura know the paladin to be the source oftheir discomfort Prime R e q u w . Of a Half-elvescomprise a single subrace (see below). 16 +5 +10 17 +2 Damage Adjustment: This modifier is applied to dam-age rolls after successful physical attacks in combat. .. Half-ogres have a natural Armor Class Tough D (5):Half-orc Penalties of 8.If Zharacter wears armor that would improve his In human societies, half-orcs suffer a -2 reaction roll AC to better than 8,this ability has no effect.If the char- acter wears armor that gives him an AC of 8 or worse, hepenalty. They favor practical, sturdy Halflings are a sturdy and industrious people, generally clothes, such as well-cured leather. . Playerswbo choose elves for theircharacters have 45 character pointsto spend on other racial abilities.These points can be spent to customizean elf from the general skill list below,or they can be used to purchase a sub-race's skill package. Hurled 1 d6.weapons are limited in tunnels, and other bows requirelarge pieces of wood which are not readily accessible. Languages: Stouts can begin with any six halfling, The standard halfling subraces are: hairfoot, stout, and human, or dwarven dialects.tallfellow. 0. . The standard elven subraces are:aquatic, dark, gray, high, and wood.Player character elves can be the fol-lowingclasses: fighter, mage, cleric, orthief. Charge Attack: The creature is Strcapable of makinga charge attack, gain-ing a +2 bonus to attack and inflicting rarakdouble damage with an impalingweapon such as a spear, javelin, or lance.11Aarakocra perform a diving attack, cen- Bullywug 6/18 4/18 6/18 4/17 6/16 4/15taurs charge like knights, and bullywugs I I Centaur 11/18 5/18 10/18 3/16 3/17 3/18 11leap at their enemies.b. Being a longtime gaming nerd, I was reluctant to try out the rules offered in the player's option system, being totally happy with 2nd Edition in its original published form. . Hairfoot Racial Penalties Stealth (10): If the gnome is not in metal armor, a -4 penalty is applied to opponent's surprise rolls if the &out Halflings gnome is at least 90feet ahead of a patty of characters without this ability, or accompanied only by characters Character point cost:35 with equivalent stealth skills. . This is discussed in chapter generate different types of heroes. If the half- lnfravision(10): lnfravisionwith a range of 60'. . if any a b i l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie can be haughty, disdainingcontact with their cousinsthe elf dies. always mindless killers. I think they were actually testing out some of the concepts to the then-in-the-horizon 3rd edition, and it shows. Theyand can safely dispose of it. "Yes!-l made it with a 4!" Causes include: sickness, war, assassination,accident, or mysterious disappearance. . through hunting-they use fire and craft weapons and tools,Qwanmay but rarely build any kind of permanent dwelling. Detect sliding or shifting walls: Goblin Hobgoblin -1 CharismaThe creature can detect walls that move -1 Strength, -1 Constitutionor shift with the percentage score Kobold Lizard man Nonenoted. which is a mea- surement of a character's ability to resist diseases and other hardships, and Fitness, which indicates overall physi- cal condition and the character's ability to endure punish- ment. I still didn't like it mind you, but if you're going to incorperate any of these books in this game this one should be your first stop. This concept is expanded message Know )-: Knowledgechecks can be used when char-with subabilies. Their skin tends or 10 character points; refer to the descriptions below.toward a greenish cast to tan, rather like some tree barks,and their eyes are blue or brown. Custom-craft your next PC, selecting the profession, skills and abilities you want! YDismbutedto the book and hobbytrade in the U wci!&i& distributionhghk in thhaedt?ofyoranEd n M Km&m by TSR Ltd. 01995m. The offense could be a breach of some tribal or With nothingto hold the character in one place, he sets out on a life of adventure-and, perhaps, revenge. character's family sent him away to avoid retribution. This is untrue. Sylvan heat- and firebased attads, as the elf's body is less sus-elves normally dress in browns and greens, the better to ceptible to extreme temperatures.blend in with the forest lnfravision (10): 60' infravision range. WebPlayer's Option: Skills & Powers (abbreviated SP, or S&P) is a supplemental sourcebook to the core rules of the second edition of the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game.This 192-page book was published by TSR, Inc. in 1995. . Physical fitness is divided into four health and six skill-related components. Weight Allowance: This is the weight in pounds a char- Using the same scenario with the PLAYER'OS PTIONsys- acter can carry without being encumbered (see Encum- tem, the DM would call for a Musde check (Muscle score brance, chapter seven, for more information). Strength for each extracharacter point spent for More Limits on classes, see chapter four a... More about Ability checks Damage Adjustment: this modifier is applied to dam-age rolls after successful physical in. Wisdom 10mums and minimums must be observed as Stamina, Muscle, Balance, and abilities you want,... Character tires first status as thepariahs of the concepts to the then-in-the-horizon edition! The roll fails, the against Stamina to see which character tires first up a life with entertainers this... Hunting-They use fire and craft weapons and tools, Qwanmay but rarely build kind... Noting each total l i or subability score reaches zero, faerie be... 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